Our Deacons

Deacon comes from the Greek word diakonos and is translated as servant in John 12:26. The role or office of deacon was developed in the early church mainly to minister to the physical needs of the members of the body of Christ. In Acts 6:1-6, the first deacons were described as "people of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom". It's a good standard which we still use! Gill and Debbie assist Chris and Alison with pastoral care and Kevin co-ordinates our prayer text ministry. If you ever want prayer after a service, as well as Chris or Alison, please feel free to ask one of the deacons to pray with you. You can read a little about our deacons in this section.





Gillian, or Gill as she prefers to be called, has been a part of Gatehouse Community Church ever since a small group of Christians began to meet on a weekly basis as a homegroup, she was one of several people in the area who had recently become Christians and along with Malcolm (our first pastor) they met for bible study, fellowship and to praise and worship the Lord. It has been a remarkable journey for her as she has witnessed God bring others to the group and subsequently watched and was part of the birth of Gatehouse Christian Fellowship (now Gatehouse Community Church) in 2000. Gill has been serving with the church as a deacon since then. Gill is married to Ian, a local man, and has lived in Gatehouse of Fleet now for more than 30 years although she was born and brought up in Dublin, it was whilst on holiday in Gatehouse that she met her husband, they have two grown up children, both married and they have recently become grandparents.

At the moment Gill also heads up the hospitality team for the church, and as a Deacon and our Administrator, she is also a member of our Church Council.

Gill has a heart to see other women overcome the difficulties and challenges that life can bring, sometimes women just need another woman to talk to and pray with and Gill hopes that through her own experiences and with God’s help she can minister to other women in this way. With this in mind, a few years ago, Gill formed "Essence", our women's ministry. (Please see separate menu tab)





Debbie has been a member of our church since soon after it was started when, one day, she surprised even herself when she felt prompted to come along and see what the church was all about! Very quickly she found herself drawn more and more to the church and made a firm Christian commitment. Debbie is married to Allan and is mother of three grown-up children includng Sara Leigh, our Children's Worker. Debbie is also a devoted grandmother with five grandchildren at the last count! She is a professional counsellor and part of our pastoral care team.





Kevin Hulatt is originally from Peterborough and before our church was formed in 2000, he was assisting our former pastor, Malcolm Macpherson. That began in 1993 mostly with prayer support and general help for Malcolm's call as an evangelist. Kevin was a member of the original homegroup that led to the start of our church.

Kevin co-ordinates our prayer-chain ministry which comprises a mobile text service.  This is intended for urgent prayer request texts and can receive prayer requests 24/7 which are forwarded to members at the earliest opportunity.   

There are 26 people on the list at the moment and they have all been very supportive of this ministry. When our church or our former pastor are actively involved in an outreach campaign, that number can swell up to as many as 40 or 50 individuals and churches.